
Great Expectations - Homie Spumoni - An Extraordinary Movie

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Homie Spumoni was an incredible movie! Both Donald Faison and Jamie-Lynn Sigler were amazing! The great cast includes Donald Faison, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Whoopi Goldberg, Paul Mooney, Lina Giornofelice.
If you love watching Donald Faison or Jamie-Lynn Sigler, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Homie Spumoni.

Click Here To Download Homie Spumoni Online!

Meet Renato: a pasta-loving, Dean Martin-worshipping Italian-American living la dolce vita and working at his papa's Little Italy deli. Until his African-American birth parents show up, claiming he's their long-lost son Leroy. Now that he's suddenly black, "Leroy" tries his best to shoot hoops and dig hip-hop, but all he really wants is for everyone to just get along!

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