
The Next Big Thing - is Here!

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The Next Big Thing- It is a movie that everyone can enjoy together.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The movie is absolutely stunning and Connie Britton deliver some award-winning performances in this movie. I also think Chris Eigeman was great!

I think Connie Britton and Chris Eigeman worked wonderful in The Next Big Thing. The great supporting cast includes Connie Britton, Chris Eigeman, Ileen Getz, Peter Giles, Farley Granger.

You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!

Click Here To Download The Next Big Thing Online!

I left some information, immages, and video previews of The Next Big Thing below.

Summary of The Next Big Thing:
This satire of the art world springs from this question: What matters more, the art or the artist? Floundering artist Gus Bishop (Chris Eigeman, Barcelona) can't get a gallery to even consider his work. Then a thief breaks into Bishop's studio and steals one of his paintings, which--after the thief concocts a dramatic and sorrowful life for the reclusive artist--sells for $10,000. The lure of easy money helps the thief convince Bishop to manufacture a hoax and turn this fictional artist into an art star. Before long, Bishop finds monstrous success that he can't take any credit for, and a girlfriend who dumped him when he was a failure decides to blackmail him for a share of the loot. Though The Next Big Thing has some lapses in logic, Eigeman's unique combination of innocence and cynicism carry the film along. --Bret Fetzer

Click on images below to see The Next Big Thing online :


Watch The Next Big Thing online by clicking here!

The Next Big Thing Trailer:

You can get The Next Big Thing at as well.

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