
Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera - Movie Downloads

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CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO GET Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera ONLINE:


Albert Herring, Benjamin Britten's comic opera which is gently laced with moments of farce, is a jocular parody on life in East Suffolk at the turn of the 20th century. It is a quaint, nostalgic journey to a bygone England and the journey has come full circle back to Glyndebourne where this piece was premiered in 1947. A Suffolk man himself, Sir Peter Hall returned triumphantly to his roots in this lovingly recreated production which leads us through the tale of Albert - a gullible, nave greengrocer lad who, much to his embarrassment is made Village May King when it is realised there are no longer any girls with the necessary virtuous qualifications. The ensuing antics are brilliantly characterised by a strong British cast in this production, which is infused with freshness and limitless charm. Glyndebourne Festival Opera and soloists from the London Philharmonic conducted by Bernard Haitink, with John Graham-Hall, Patricia Johnson, Alan Opie, Felicity Palmer and Jean Rigby.

WATCH Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

If you love watching Alan Opie or Jean Rigby, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera.

Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera has always been a favorite of mine.Through out the movie, Alan Opie simply shines. Jean Rigby actually caught my interest too.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera ONLINE!

Watch A Preview Of Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera

You can get Britten - Albert Herring / Graham-Hall, Rigby, Opie, Kern, Palmer, Johnson, Gale, Van Allan, Hammond-Stroud, Haitink, Glyndebourne Opera at too.


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