
Donizetti - L'Elisir d'Amore - Movie Download Websites - How They Work

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MOVIETITLEMACRO - Movie Download Websites - How They Work

With dazzling star turns by the real-life husband-and-wife team of soprano Angela Gheorghiu and tenor Roberto Alagna, this 1996 production of Donizetti's frothy romantic comedy L'Elisir d'amore ("The Elixir of Love") is a must for any opera fan. Their many detractors seem merely jealous of their stupendous success, because--at least on the evidence of this performance--Gheorghiu and Alagna have the voices, the acting skill, and (last but not least) the looks to sustain their international superstardom. Ably supporting the star couple are Roberto Scaltriti, Simone Alaimo, and Elena Dan; Frank Dunlop's clever production overcomes its needless updating to the 1920s with colorful sets and costumes. In the pit and giving Donizetti's score an agile reading are conductor Evelino Pido and the Lyon National Opera Orchestra and Chorus.

A especially welcome DVD bonus treat is the 52-minute film "Love Potion," which goes behind the scenes of the production. Fans of Gheorghiu and Alagna will particularly relish their favorites as they engagingly talk about their parts in the opera... in English, French, and Italian. --Kevin Filipski

WATCH Donizetti - L'Elisir d'Amore ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

If you love watching Angela Gheorghiu or Roberto Alagna, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Donizetti - L'Elisir d'Amore.

Donizetti - L'Elisir d'Amore was an incredible movie! Both Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna were amazing! The great cast includes Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Roberto Scaltriti, Simone Alaimo, Elena Dan.

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