
Free Willy - Buy Movies Online

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Free Willy was an incredible movie! Both Keiko (II) and Jason James Richter were amazing! The great cast includes Keiko (II), Jason James Richter, Lori Petty, Jayne Atkinson, August Schellenberg.
If you love watching Keiko (II) or Jason James Richter, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Free Willy.

Click Here To Download Free Willy Online!

Some of us will never understand why this boy-and-his-whale tale became the hit family film of 1993 and one of the bestselling videos of all time. But it is easy to see how clever marketing and a tear- jerking story could touch the hearts of kids and parents the world over, especially because the endangered Orca whale named Willy is such a majestic creature. The story couldn't be more conventional--it's like Old Yeller and The Black Stallion with a big sea mammal--but as the boy who comes to Willy's aid against the whale's exploitative owner, young Jason James Richter gives an appealing performance with which children can readily identify. After two sequels and an animated television series, this popular film also had a happy real-life ending: Keiko the whale (who plays Willy) recovered from failing health and was gradually trained to survive outside of captivity. --Jeff Shannon

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